13-17 May 2013 - Tutorial on shell model calculations and the production of nuclear Hamiltonians


Présentation et programme de l'atelier   --    "PROGRAM"



Lecture 0 "Introductory information"


Compilation Instructions "Mac"  "Linux"

For Windows (64-bit), follow directly instructions in NUSHELLX help manual

For Windows (32-bit), contact Angelo Signoracci


13 - 17 May




Angelo Signoracci (CEA SPhN):

1. Lecture I "Shell Model formalism I"
2. Lecture II "Shell Model formalism II"
3. Lecture III "Introduction to NUSHELLX I"
4. Lecture IV "Introduction to NUSHELLX II"
5. Lecture VII "Derivation of effective interactions"

 Jason Holt (TU Darmstadt and GSI):

1. Lecture V "Non-empirical shell model from realistic interactions I"
2. Lecture VI "Non-empirical shell model from realistic interactions II"
3. Lecture VIII "Inclusion of three-body forces"

Holt lectures

Tutorials will cover the following topics:

1. Tutorial I "Implementation and running of NUSHELLX I"
2. Tutorial II "Implementation and running of NUSHELLX II"
3. Tutorial III "Selection of model space and (empirical) interactions"
4. Tutorial IV "Producing effective interactions for any model space from microscopic interactions"
5. Tutorial V "Inclusion of three-body forces"


Solutions to problem sets (Tutorials I-V) "Solutions"

NUSHELLX input files for shell and ham for all problem sets "Inputs"



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