MBPT, EFT, EDF + Ab initio
Le Larsim et l'ESNT Projet nucleAI Post-doctorants-visiteurs Visiteurs Publications Post-doc Call 2025 Informations pratiques - Practical informationInformations pratiques - Practical information
Practical information and Access
GUIDE FOR PARTICIPANTS: detailed guidelines for the registered supported participants of the workshop are provided by the organizers for each workshop. Below we recall the main general information for the participants.
How to reach the CEA Orme site: MemoESNTSaclayOrmeDPhN2024.pdf
(Be careful in case of possible bus line disruptions, check your itineray)
Hotels: HotelListESNTWorkshop2024.pdf
Entrance There is in principle no access control entering l’Orme des Merisiers and no badge is needed. If, for some reason, there is a control at the entrance, you will have to show your identity papers (passport) and please explain that you visit DPhN for ESNT workshop (the secretary has the list of participants).
Lunch Practical indications (transportation to the local restaurant-cafeteria, payment of the lunches for the supported speakers and participants) will be given by the organizers on the first day of the workshop.
Meeting rooms Seminars and discussion sessions are located in room 135 (1st floor). If available, room 101 can also be used for meetings. Room 125 is for coffee break.
Rules: Do not plug your laptop on the network!
See the DPhN secretary to have WiFi access (for registered collaborators of the workshop)
Presentations If you agree, the presentations will be put on the web after the workshop. Please give a copy of your presentation to the organizer.
Reimbursement (NB: for supported participants only, please follow the guidelines given by the organizers)
Local expenses, for the stay of a limited list of supported speakers during the period of the workshop, will be reimbursed by the ESNT only with the bills. Travels (long-distance trains, airplane) are not supported.
The support will consist of reimbursement, against all receipts, local transport, hotel bills, lunch/dinner/restaurant tickets up to a maximum indicated in the project proposal templates and guideline rules given to the organizers.
The support for the stay and local expenses is given only to a limited list of (a few) participants, and it depends on the initial budget allocated for the project by the scientific council.
These supported participants will have to give or send to the secretary of DPhN (address below) all the original restaurant tickets and hotel bills, and detailed information about their bank account. They have to be aware of the fact that the expenses which are not justified with a clear receipt cannot be reimbursed. There is no payment in advance of the hotel.
DPhN secretary, CEA-Saclay, DRF IRFU DPhN Département de Physique Nucléaire building 703, Orme des Merisiers F-91191 France.
Création-contact Web ESNT : Valérie Lapoux