Ateliers - 2018 - Workshops
Ateliers - ESNT Workshops - End of 2017 & 2018
7-8th December 2017
Nuclear data inputs in astrophysics processes. Nuclear structure and Equation of state
[First session of the workshop, next ones in 2019-2021].
7th Dec. Lectures and seminar by S. Goriely about the nucleosynthesis and the nuclear data inputs.
Discussions (7-8th) i) r-process in neutron star mergers, ii) link between the equation of state and the coalescence of neutron stars.
Organizers: V. Lapoux (CEA-Saclay, DPhN), V. Somà (DPhN)
26-30th March 2018
Many-body perturbation theories in modern quantum chemistry and nuclear physics
Organizers: A. Tichai (CEA ESNT), T. Duguet (CEA-Saclay DPhN, contact), E. Giner (LCT, Univ. P&M Curie).
18-22 juin 2018
Organisateurs : V. Bontems (CEA-Saclay LARSIM), T. Duguet (CEA-Saclay SPhN, contact), A. Grinbaum (Larsim), F. Raimondi (Univ of Surrey).
Atelier co-organisé par le Larsim et l'ESNT.
10th -13th September 2018
Recent advances on proton-neutron pairing and quartet correlations in nuclei
Organizers: N. Sandulescu (Nat. Institute of Nuclear Physics and Engineering, Bucharest, contact)
M. Assié (IPN Orsay), E. Khan (IPN Orsay), M. Sambataro (INFN Catania)
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