Ateliers 2024

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Ateliers - ESNT Workshops and working groups- 2024


29 January - 2 February
Meson Exchange Current contributions in semi inclusive lepton nucleus scattering

Organizers:  M. Martini (IPSA, Paris Sorbonne Univ., contact), M. Barbaro (INFN, Univ. of Turin), V. Belocchi (INFN, Univ. of Turin)


8-27 April

Effective Field theory and Strong interaction with accurate error estimation

 Organizers:  L. Contessi (CNRS-IJCLab, contact), M. Schafer (Nuclear Physics Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences)


21-24 May

 Nuclear ab initio spectroscopy

 Organizers:  T. Duguet (CEA DRF DPhN, contact), M. Frosini (CEA DES IRESNE), G. Hagen (Oak Ridge Nat. Lab), R. Roth (TU Darmstadt)  



Workshops - Autumn 2024


28-31 October

The microscopic modelling of odd-mass and odd-odd nuclei
Organizers:  M. Kortelainen (Univ. of Jyväskylä), S. Péru (CEA DAM SPN, contact), W. Ryssens (ULB)


18-22 November

Nuclear excitations and multipole resonances

 Organizers:  A. Porro (TU Darmstadt), M. Frosini (CEA DES IRESNE), S. Péru (CEA DAM SPN, contact)


3-6 December

Light nuclei between single-particle and clustering features

 Organizers:  G. Stellin (CEA ESNT, contact), Th. Duguet (CEA DRF DPhN, contact), V. Somà (CEA DRF DPhN)


16-20 December
Dynamics of Nuclear fission

 Organizers:  S. Hilaire (CEA DAM SPN, contact), D. Regnier (CEA DAM SPN, contact), D. Vretenar (Univ. of Zagreb)



Working groups  - to be scheduled in 2024


One week

Electron Probe for Exotic Nuclei -Observables of Electron-radioactive ion collisions

Organizers :  P. Delahaye (GANIL), Valérie Lapoux (DPhN, contact), Vittorio Somà (DPhN,contact),
Co-organizers for the working group: A. Chancé (DACM), F. Flavigny (LPC Caen), A. Matta (LPC Caen)


ESNT seminar talks


Talks on topics related to the working group activities and general talks given by the ESNT collaborators are announced a few weeks before the workshop periods.


18th January 2024 11h-12h  Stéphane PLATCHKOV (CEA DPhN) Les électrons à l'Orme - l'époque de l'ALS  - Séminaire Abstract       



29th January 2024 11-12h Marco MARTINI (IPSA and Paris Sorbonne Univ) Neutrino-nucleus cross sections for neutrino oscillation experiments: status and challenges

30th January 2024 11-12h Valerio BELOCCHI (INFN, Univ. of Turin) Inclusive and semi inclusive lepton nucleus scattering in quasielastic region and beyond


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