Dynamics of Nuclear Fission
16-19 December 2024
PROGRAM ProgramESNTfissionvDec2024vf.pdf
Dynamics of Nuclear Fission
Organizers: S. Hilaire (CEA DAM SPN, contact), D. Regnier (CEA DAM SPN, contact), D. Vretenar (Univ. of Zagreb)
contact: [at] cea.fr
The goals of the workshop are to:
1. Review the advances of nuclear fission theory in the last five years.
2. Examine the current stages of development of phenomenological and microscopic models and establish new connections between the two approaches.
3. Compare the computational strategies adopted by various research teams and identify challenges for the new generation of fission computer codes (dependable calculation of deformation energy surfaces, collective inertia, functional optimization, time evolution, symmetry restoration).
4. Discuss with experimental teams the desired levels of accuracy for the description of specific fission
observables including uncertainty quantification.
5. Identify new applications of nuclear fission theory, particularly in the field of nuclear astrophysics.
6. Issue a set of specific recommendations for developing a unified framework for the description of spontaneous and induced fission, that will start from nuclear structure and extend to the modeling of fission observables that are relevant for applications.
+ A. Bernard (CEA, DAM, DIF) Generation of Bogoliubov states from machine learning
+ A. Chebboubi (CEA, IRESNE/DER/SPRC/LEPh) Prediction and emulation of prompt n/g with FIFRELIN
+ L. Gaudefroy (CEA, DAM, DIF) On the neutronless fission of 252Cf(sf)
+ G. Kessedjian (CEA, IRESNE/DER/SPRC/LEPh) Evaluation of fission yields
+ N.-W. T. Lau (CNRS IN2P3 L2IT, Univ. de Toulouse)
Towards an improved description of nuclear fission with the time-dependent generator coordinate method
+ J.F. Lemaitre (CEA, DAM, DIF) Scission point model SPY
+ Z. Li (School of Physical Science and Technology, Southwest University)
Microscopic study on asymmetric fission dynamics of 180Hg within covariant density functional theory
+ P. Magierski (Faculty of Physics, Warsaw University of Technology) Recent achievements with the TDSLDA
+ P. Marevic (University of Zagreb) Angular momentum distributions in fission fragments from microscopic theory
+ P. Morfouace (CEA, DAM, DIF) Overview of recent measurements
+ J. Newsome (CEA, DAM, DIF) Scalable generation of HFB potential energy landscapes
+ V. Piau (Universite Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab) Measurement of the prompt neutrons and gamma rays
+ N. Pillet (CEA, DAM, DIF) Construction of continuous collective energy landscapes
+ A. Plompen (European Commission, Joint Research Centre JRC, Geel)
Neutron-induced fission cross sections: what have we learned from experiment
+ P. Romain (CEA, DAM, DIF) Fission cross section evaluation
+ W. Ryssens (ULB, Institut d’Astronomie et d’Astrophysique) Fission properties of BSkG2
+A. Sanchez-Fernandez (ULB) Fission properties from microscopic models
+ G. Scamps (CNRS L2IT-IN2P3, Université de Toulouse) Collective model for spin generation
+ M. Verriere (Nuclear and Data Theory Group, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) Fission with TDGCM
+ D. Vretenar (University of Zagreb) Generalized GCM for fission
+ K. Washiyama (Center for Computational Sciences, University of Tsukuba) Collective inertia for spontaneous fission
+ A. Zdeb (Institute of Physics, Maria Curie–Sk?odowska University) Fission and cluster emission from super-heavy nuclei
Monday 16th Dec. |
Tuesday 17th Dec. |
Wednesday 18th |
Thursday 19th
9h30 | A. Plompen | P. Morfouace | V. Piau | L. Gaudefroy |
10h30 |
P. Romain | G. Kessedjian | A. Chebboubi | G. Scamps |
11h15 | Break | Break | Break | Break |
11h45 | K. Washiyama | D. Vretenar | J.-F. Lemaitre | P. Magierski |
12h30 | Lunch |
Lunch |
Lunch |
Lunch |
13h45 | A. Zdeb | W. Ryssens | P. Marevic |
A. Sanchez Fernandez |
14h30 | M. Verriere | Z. Li | N. Pillet | Discussions |
15h15 | Break | Break | Break | End |
15h45 |
J. Newsome (end 16h15) |
N.-W. T. Lau (end 16h30) |
A. Bernard (end 16h15) |
16h30 | Discussions | Discussions |
Discussions |
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