Project proposal
MBPT, EFT, EDF + Ab initio
Le Larsim et l'ESNT Projet nucleAI Post-doctorants-visiteurs Visiteurs Publications Post-doc Call 2025 Informations pratiques - Practical informationProject proposal
A scientific council is held once per year to examine the past year activity and to select the new projects.
A steering committee (click to see contact addresses) of 2 physicists (1 DRF-DPhN and 1 of DAM-SPN) is the coordinator for all the ESNT activities. Every project whatever the form, can be sent to the steering committee. It will be evaluated by the scientific Council of the ESNT, the main criteria being the scientific relevance as well as the issues and work perspectives for the whole community working in the nuclear structure and reaction fields.
Typical (but not limitative) possible formats of the projects are:
- Workshops with several days of talks, discussions;
- Informal talks and meetings for specific topics of works, calculations, during few days or weeks;
- Lectures, Tutorials
Note that the talks are always given during open sessions and announced widely to the community. Tutorials are usually provided to a small list of registered participants.
A call for projects is launched once a year (around September) and the deadline for the submission to the ESNT steering committee is approximately around October the 30th.
If the project is complete and matches the ESNT criteria, it is transmitted to the scientific council for further evaluation. The decisions from the scientific council are transmitted nearly one month after the proposal submission and, if accepted, the project can be scheduled in the following months. Anytime of the year, in case you wish to submit a proposal, please contact the steering committee.
The format for the project proposal is given in the following pdf file template. In case you plan to submit a proposal, ask the TeX or docx template to the steering committee.
The proposals have to be sent first to the ESNT steering committee. If the project matches the ESNT criteria, it is transmitted to the scientific council.
Budget estimates
The daily expenses of the speakers participating to the workshop, and/or of the collaborators involved in the ESNT project are supported by ESNT, within the budgetary conditions and limits discussed for each project between the organizers and the committees. Indications for budget estimates are given in the templates, other detailed information can be provided by the steering committee.
See also "Infomations pratiques-Practical information"
The DPhN laboratory gives support in terms of administrative help, offices, meeting rooms, computer and network.