The tower of the effective field theories and the emergence of the nuclear phenomena
16th -20th January 2017 PROGRAM ESNTemergenceEFT5janv17.pdf
(5th January; see the last update of the program below)
Organizers: V. Bontems (CEA-Saclay LARSIM), T. Duguet (CEA-Saclay SPhN ), S. Gandolfi (LANL, Los Alamos), G. Hagen (ORNL, Oak Ridge), J.D. Holt (TRIUMF, Vancouver), J.R. Karlsen (Univ. of Bergen), S. Panebianco (SPhN).
Workshop co-organized by LARSIM (Laboratoire de Recherche sur les Sciences de la Matière) and ESNT.
The objectives of the project are:
1. to nurture the research activity of nuclear scientists by discussing its philosophical undertaking,
2. to expose scientists at large to state-of-large developments in fundamental nuclear science via the prism of associated epistemological challenges,
3. to discuss the paths forward in state-of-the-art research in low-energy nuclear theory.
Exposés -TALKS
I. Reductionism, emergence and effective theories
1. Historical and philosophical introductions to emergence, effectiveness and explanation (V. Bontems, philosopher, CEA Larsim)
2. Reductionism, holism and emergence (R. Fjelland, philosopher, Univ. of Bergen) TalkFjelland_ESNT_16Janv17.pdf
3. Effective theories and conceptual questions for high-energy physics (A. Grinbaum, philosopher, CEA Larsim)
4. Reductionism, emergence and the renormalization group (A. Franklin, philosopher, King's College London) TalkFranklin_ESNT_16Janv2017.pdf
5. Effective field theory for gravity and emerging phenomena (J. Donoghue, physicist) TalkDonoghue_ESNT_17Janv17.pdf
6. Tower of nuclear effective field theories: current status and perspectives (U. van Kolck, IPNO & Univ. of Arizona) TalkvanKolck_ESNT_17Janv17.pdf
7. Turning a model into a proper effective theory: the example of emergent symmetry breaking in deformed atomic nuclei
(H. A. Weidenmueller, Max Planck Institute, Heidelberg) TalkWeidenmueller_ESNT_18Janv2017.pdf
8. Emergent phenomena and partonic structure in hadrons (C. Roberts, ANL) TalkRoberts_ESNT_17Janv17.pdf
II. From the era of nuclear models to the era of nuclear effective (field) theories ?
1. Can we reliably predict nuclear forces and/or nuclei from QCD? (Z. Davoudi, MIT) TalkDavoudi_ESNT_18Janv17.pdf
2. Effective field theory for lattice nuclei: the matching of EFTs (N. Barnea, Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem) TalkBarnea_ESNT_18Janv17.pdf
3. Effective field theory for halo nuclei (C. Ji, ECT*, INFN TIFPA) TalkJi_ESNT_18Janv2017.pdf
4. Appropriate degrees of freedom and higher-order operators (D. Gazit, Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem)
5. Pragmatic versus rigorist view on chiral EFT(-based) inter-nucleon interactions (C. Forssen, Dpt. of Physics, Chalmers)
6. Error quantification and falsification of chiral-EFT interactions (R. Navarro Pérez, LLNL) TalkNavarro_ESNT_19Janv17.pdf
7. Are the fundamental physics constants fine tuned from an EFT perspective? (U.-G. Meissner, Univ Bonn, FZ Jülich)
8. Is something wrong with chiral EFT ? (H. W. Griesshammer, Inst. for Nuclear Studies, The G. Washington Univ.)
9. Experimental signatures of the emergence of shell structures and of the mean field: from macroscopic systems to the atomic
nucleus (R. Garcia-Ruiz, The Univ. of Manchester & CERN)
10. Emergence of magic numbers from inter-nucleon interactions: necessary ingredients (C. Barbieri, The Univ. of Surrey) TalkBarbieri_ESNT_17Jan2017.pdf
11. Can the shell-model be truly ab-initio? (R. S. Stroberg, TRIUMF) TalkStroberg_ESNT_20Janv2017.pdf
12. Connecting nuclear forces with properties of nuclei and neutron stars (S. Gandolfi, LANL) TalkGandolfi_ESNT_20Janv2017.pdf
13. Chaotic systems and emerging phenomena (H. A. Weidenmueller, Max Planck Institute) TalkWeidenmueller_ESNT_20Janv2017.pdf
Monday 16th |
Tuesday 17
Wednesday 1st | Thursday 2nd | Friday 3rd |
9h15 Welcome |
9h30 Donoghue |
9h30 Forssen |
9h30 Griesshammer |
9h30 Meissner |
9h30 Bontems |
10h30 Coffee Break |
10h30 Coffee Break |
10h30 Coffee Break |
11h Grinbaum | 11h van Kolck | 11h Davoudi |
11h Navarro Pérez |
11h Gandolfi |
12h00 Lunch | 12h Lunch 12h Lunch | |||
13h30 Bontems |
13h30 Roberts |
13h30 Ji |
13h30 Gazit |
13h30 Stroberg | |||
14h30 Coffee break |
14h30 Coffee break |
14h30 Coffee break | ||
15h Fjelland |
15h Barbieri |
15h Barnea |
15h Garcia-Ruiz |
15h |
16h Franklin | 16h Discussions |
16h |
16h Discussions | 16h Discussions |
17h End | 17h End | 17h End |
17h End |
17h END |
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