Near-degenerate systems in nuclear structure and quantum chemistry from ab-initio many-body methods
30 March -- 2 April PROGRAM
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Organizers: C. Barbieri (Univ. of Surrey), T. Duguet (SPhN, ), R. J. Bartlett (Univ of Florida), G. E. Scuseria (Rice Univ., Texas).
The goals of the project are to:
1. bring together nuclear theorists and quantum chemists facing similar challenges regarding the description of open-shell systems,
2. present state-of-the-art methods based on multi-reference (MR) or symmetry-breaking-and-restoration schemes,
3. identify the optimal MR methods in terms of theory and application for various problems of interest in quantum chemistry and nuclear physics,
4. understand in what situation MR approaches are preferable to symmetry-breaking-and-restoration schemes and vice-versa.
Exposés -TALKS
A. Introductory lectures
1. C. A. Jiménez-Hoyos, Dpt. of chemistry, Rice Univ., Symmetry broken and restored mean-field theory jimenez-hoyos.pdf
2. S. Bogner, MSU, Introduction to in-medium similarity renormalization group methods bogner.pdf
3. V. Somà, CEA-SPhN, Basics of self-consistent Green’s function theory LectureSoma.pdf
4. R. J. Bartlett, Univ. of Florida, Basics of single-reference and multi-reference coupled cluster theory bartlett.pdf
B. Talks
1. Multi-reference many-body theories
H. Hergert, NSCL-MSU, Multi-reference in-medium similarity renormalization group theory for nuclei hergert.pdf
A. Koehn, Inst. for Theoretical Chemistry, Univ. of Stuttgart, Internally contracted multi-reference coupled-cluster theory koehn.pdf
M. Musial, Inst. of Chemistry, Univ. of Silesia, Fock space multi-reference coupled-cluster method musial.pdf
2. Effective operators for ab-initio configuration interaction calculations
J. D. Holt, TRIUMF, Non-perturbative shell-model interactions from the in-medium similarity renormalization group holt.pdf
G. Hagen, ORNL, Ab-initio coupled-cluster effective interactions for nuclei hagen.pdf
C. Barbieri, Univ. of Surrey, Three-body forces and chiral interaction Effective operators in Green’s function theory barbieri.pdf
3. Symmetry-unrestricted many-body theories
V. Somà, CEA-SPhN, Self-consistent Gorkov Green’s function theory for nuclei TalkSoma.pdf
A. Rios, Univ. Of Surrey, Green’s function for nuclear matter - correlations, equations of state and pairing gaps rios.pdf
T. M. Henderson, Rice Univ., Bogoliubov coupled cluster theory for the attractive pairing Hamiltonian henderson.pdf
A. Signoracci, ORNL, Univ of Tennessee, Bogoliubov coupled cluster theory for nuclei signoracci.pdf
4. Symmetry- (broken and) restored many-body theories
M. Bender, CENBG, Univ. Bordeaux, Symmetry-restored multi-reference mean-field theory for nuclei bender.pdf
T. Duguet, CEA-SPhN, Symmetry-restored coupled cluster formalism duguet.pdf
5. Reaching excited states and/or neighboring systems
P. Piecuch, MSU, Molecular systems from the equation-of-motion coupled-cluster theory piecuch.pdf
G. R. Jansen, Univ. Of Tennessee, ORNL, Near closed-shells nuclei from the equation-of-motion coupled-cluster theory jansen.pdf
6. Additional flavors
F. Evangelista, Dpt. of Chemistry, Emory Univ., The similarity renormalization group in quantum chemistry evangelista.pdf
J. Toulouse, Univ. P&M Curie, CNRS, Quantum Monte Carlo wave functions and their optimization for chemistry toulouse.pdf
G. E Scuseria, Rice Univ., Low-cost generalized coupled cluster models for strong and weak correlations scuseria.pdf
L. Reining, ETSF Palaiseau, A direct approach to the calculation of many-body Green’s functions reining.pdf
C. Discussion sessions
Discussion 1: Multi-reference methods
Discussion 2: Symmetry broken and restored methods
Discussion 3: Possible cross-disciplinary projects between quantum chemistry and nuclear physics
Lectures Room 135 | Workshop Room 135 | ||||
Monday 30th March |
31st March |
1st April |
Thursday 2nd April |
09h15 Welcome | |||||
9h30 C. A. Jimenez-Hoyos | 9h30 | H. Hergert | A. Signoracci | J. Toulouse | |
10h15 | Break | ||||
10h45-11h15 Break | 10h45 | A. Koehn | T.M. Henderson | M. Bender | |
11h15 S. Bogner |
11h30 | F. Evangelista | G.E. Scuseria | P. Piecuch | |
12h30 Lunch | 12h15 | Lunch | Lunch | Lunch | |
14h15 V. Somà |
14h00 | C. Barbieri | V. Somà | G.R. Jansen | |
15h30 Break | 14h45 | J.D. Holt | T. Duguet | G. Hagen | |
16h00 R. J. Bartlett | 15h30 | Break | Break | Break | |
16h15-17h00 | 16h00 | M. Musial | L. Reining | A. Rios | |
17h15 End | 16h45 | Discussions | Discussions | Discussions | |
18h00 | End | End | End |
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