Beyond Effective Single-Particle Energies
17-21 November 2025 (TBC)
Beyond Effective Single-Particle Energies: Identifying Meaningful Nuclear Structure Observables
Organizers: Louis Heitz (IJCLab, contact), J.-P. Ebran (CEA DAM, contact), E. Khan (IJCLab), D. Verney (IJCLab)
Effective Single-Particle Energies (ESPEs) have been a cornerstone of nuclear structure research, providing theoretical insights into nuclear shell evolution. Since the seminal work of Mayer to understand the existence of the so-called magic numbers, a wealth of observables have shown to be easily understood within the picture of nucleons sitting on single-particles states.
However, ESPEs present a fundamental limitation: they are theoretical constructs lacking direct experimental observability. Our workshop aims to address this critical challenge by identifying and developing robust, experimentally accessible observables that can reliably characterize nuclear magicity.
The goals of the workshop are to:
1. Build bridges between experimental and theoretical quantities,
2. Clarify the usefulness / limitations of single particle energies,
3. Provide theoretical mechanisms to interpret experimental findings,
4. Identify relevant experimental observables to compare with theoretical calculations.
The program of talks will be confirmed in Sept.
Introductory lectures
• O. Sorlin (GANIL) Shell structure : measurements and mechanisms
• T. Duguet (CEA Saclay DRF) Calculation and use of effective single-particle energies
TALKS - List of potential speakers
• V. Somà (CEA Saclay DRF) Emergence of magicity in ab initio theories
• F. Nowacki (IPHC) Magicity and collectivity within the nuclear shell model
• M. Frosini (CEA Cadarache DES) ESPE with PGCM Ab Initio
• L. Heitz (CEA Saclay DRF & IJCLab) Round table about ESPE
• M. Dupuis (CEA DAM DIF) Reactions
• C. Hebbron (IJCLab) Transfer reactions
• A. Ekström (Chalmers Univ.) Experiments to contraints ab Initio interactions
• D. Verney (IJCLab) ESPE : associated phenomenology
• L. Lalanne (IPHC) Other observables : laser spectroscopy (μ,RC)
• V. Manea (IJCLab) Other observables : mass measurements
• EDF mass
• Spectro mass
Preliminary program
Monday 17th Nov.
Tuesday 18 |
Wednesday 19 |
Thursday 20 |
Friday 21 |
9h15 | Welcome | ||||
9h30 |
O. Sorlin
F. Nowacki | L. Lalanne | M. Dupuis |
A. Ekström |
10h45 | Break | Break | Break | Break | Break |
11h |
T. Duguet
D. Verney | M. Frosini |
Shape coexistence |
EDF masses |
12h15 | Lunch |
Lunch |
Lunch |
Lunch | Lunch |
14h | C. Hebborn |
Round table I |
Round table
II |
Round table III |
Round table IV |
15h | Break | Break | Break | Break | Break |
15h30 | V. Manea | Discussions | Discussions | Discussions | Discussions |
16h30 | End |
End |
End |
End |
End |
Round tables start at 14:00 and are expected to end at 16:30.
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