Nuclear densities
14-17 October 2025
Charge and matter distributions in nuclei
Organizers: K. Bennaceur (IPNL, Univ. Lyon, contact), P. Arthuis (IJCLab), V. Somà (CEA Saclay DPhN contact), L. Zurek (CEA DAM)
contact: [at]
While bulk properties of atomic nuclei, e.g. ground-state energies and r.m.s. charge radii, represent the basic structure observables any model is first confronted with, density distributions provide a much more detailed playground to compare different nuclear structure approaches, and theory with experiment.
The goals of the workshop are to:
1. Discuss the accuracy and precision for charge distributions of models based on different approaches such as mean-field models and ab initio calculations.
2. Identify nuclei for which the reproduction of the charge density is particularly difficult to achieve (with mean-field and/or ab initio approaches) and discuss possible scenario explaining this problem.
3. Discuss the possible impact of more accurate and precise predictions of charge densities as an analysis tool for experiments such as determination of charge r.m.s. radius using muons, possible muon to electron conversion in nuclei, search for permanent EDM (Electric Dipole Moment) of atoms, etc.
4. Discuss the prospects for electron-radioactive ion scattering.
5. Clarify the relation between isovector finite-size instabilities and oscillations of proton and neutron densities in nuclei.
Talks - potential speakers to be announced in June.
Preliminary program
Tuesday 14th Oct.
Wednesday 15 |
Thursday 16 |
Friday 17 |
9h15 | OPENING | Talk | Talk | Talk |
10h45 |
Break | Break | Break | Break |
11h | Talk | Talk | Talk |
Talk |
11h45 | Talk | Talk | Talk | |
12h30 | Lunch |
Lunch |
Lunch | Lunch |
14h | Talk | Talk | Talk | |
14h45 | Break | Break | Break | |
15h15 | Discussions | Discussions | Discussions | |
16h15 | Discussions |
Discussions |
Discussions | |
16h30 | End |
End |
End |
End |
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