Ab initio Nuclear Pairing Properties
13-21 May 2025
Ab initio many-body calculations: where is the nuclear pairing gone?
Organizers: G. Palkanoglou (TRIUMF), M. Drissi (TRIUMF), M. Assié (IJCLab),
Th. Duguet (CEA DRF DPhN contact), G. Hagen (Oak Ridge Nat. Lab)
contact: [at] cea.fr
The main goals of the workshop are to:
1. Review the status of the theoretical description of spin-singlet and spin-triplet pairing phases in nuclear systems and of their standard experimental markers.
2. Identify signatures of neutron-proton pairing that could be measured experimentally in the future.
3. Address the theoretical challenges related to an efficient and accurate ab initio description of the phenomenology related to pairing correlations in both finite and infinite nuclear systems.
Talks (potential speakers)
1. Introductory lectures
• A. Macchiavelli (ORNL) Phenomenology of spin-singlet and spin-triplet pairing correlations
• G. Palkanoglou (TRIUMF) Ab initio calculations of spin-singlet and spin-triplet pairing gaps in infinite nuclear matter
• T. Duguet (CEA-Saclay) Ab initio description of neutron-neutron and proton-proton pairing in finite nuclei
• J. Dobaczewski (University of York) Theoretical description of neutron-proton pairing in finite nuclei
• M. Urban (IJCLab) Nuclear superfluidity: from cold atoms to neutron stars
2. Experimental talks
• H. Jacob (IJCLab) Neutron-proton pairing through transfer reactions with stable and radioactive beams
• B. Cederwall (KTH) Searching for np pairing by studying rotational bands, case of 88Ru
• J. Dudouet (IP2I) Study of neutron-proton pairing through observations of low-lying states
• A. Kwiatkowski (TRIUMF) Pairing studies via precision mass measurements
• T. Uesaka (RIKEN) Search for deuteron clusters at ONOKORO and relation to the neutron-proton pairing search
• M. Vandebrouck (CEA-Saclay) Investigation of the GMR along the Ni isotopic chain
3. Theoretical talks
• T. Miyagi (University of Tsukuba) Valence-space in-medium similarity renormalization group description of calcium isotopes
• C. W. Johnson (San Diego State University) The predominance of J=0 even-even ground-state: is it a fingerprint of pairing correlations?
• P. Demol (KU Leuven) Role of pairing in semi-magic nuclear ground states based on Bogoliubov coupled cluster calculations
• H. Hergert (Michgan State University) Odd-even mass staggering in multi-reference in-medium similarity renormalization group calculations
• A. Ekström (Chalmers university of Technology) Correlation between chiral EFT interaction contributions and pairing properties in nuclei
• E. Vigezzi (INFN) To which extent pairing originates from the exchange of collective fluctuations?
• T. Papenbrock (ORNL) Momentum of inertia of ground-state rotational bands in mid-mass nuclei: can one account for its increase with spin without explicitly breaking U(1) symmetry?
• M. Frosini (CEA-Cadarache) Momentum of inertia of ground-state rotational bands in mid-mass nuclei: the impact of explicitly breaking U(1) symmetry
P. G. Reinhard (Universität Erlangen) Odd-even staggering of masses and radii in nuclear energy density functional calculations
• E. Khan (IJCLab) Fingerprint of superfluidity in EDF calculations on giant monopole resonances of mid-mass open-shell nuclei
• A. Porro (TU Darmstadt) Fingerprint of superfluidity in ab initio calculations on giant monopole resonance of mid-mass open-shell nuclei
• V. Somà (CEA-Saclay) Odd-even staggering of masses and charge radii in semi-magic nuclei from Gorkov Self-consistent Green’s function calculations
• A. Rios (ICCUB) Impact of correlations on the phase diagram of nuclear matter
• B. Bally (CEA-Saclay) Role of neutron-proton pairing in the exact description of the deuteron at mean-field cost
• A. Gezerlis (University of Guelph) Coexistence of spin-singlet and spin-triplet pairing phases in nuclei
• D. Lee (Michigan State University) Inter-species pairing and clustering in fermionic matter
• P. Van Isacker (GANIL) Alternative signatures of neutron-proton pairing
• N. Hinohara (University of Tsukuba) Neutron-proton pairing and quartetting in energy density functional calculations
Preliminary program
Tuesday 13 May b.703, 135 |
Wednesday 14 b.703, 135 |
Thursday 15 b.703, 135 |
Friday 16 b.703, 135 |
9h15 | Welcome | 9h30 | Talk 1 | Talk | Talk |
9h30 |
Lecture 1 | 10h20 | Talk 2 | Talk | Talk |
10h30 | Break | 11h10 | Break | Break | Break |
11h | Lecture 2 | 11h30 | Talk 3 | Talk | Talk |
12h |
Lunch |
12h30 |
Lunch |
Lunch | Lunch |
13h30 | Lecture 3 | 14h | Talk | Talk | Talk 12 |
14h30 | Lecture 4 | 14h50 | Break | Break | Break |
15h30 | Break | 15h20 | Discussions 1 | Discussions 2 | Discussions 3 |
16h | Lecture 5 |
17h |
End |
End |
End |
End |
Monday 19 May b.703, 135 |
Tuesday 20 b.703, 135 |
Wednesday 21 b.713 |
9h30 | Talk 13 | Talk | Talk |
10h20 |
Talk | Talk | Talk |
11h10 | Break | Break | Break |
11h30 | Talk | Talk | Talk |
12h30 |
Lunch |
Lunch |
Lunch |
14h | Talk | Talk | Talk |
14h50 | Break | Break | Break |
15h20 | Discussions |
Discussions |
Discussions |
17h |
End |
End |
End |
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