3D simulations of dense matter
26-28 May and 27-29 October 2025
Simulating dense matter on three-dimensional coordinate space meshes
Organizers: W. Ryssens (ULB, contact), D. Regnier (CEA DAM SPN, contact),
G. Wlazlowski (Warsaw Univ of Tech.), D. Pecak (Polish Academy of Sciences)
Contacts: [at] ulb.be ; [at] cea.fr
We will gather a small core of scientists: developers of simulation tools for atomic nuclei and nuclear matter on three-dimensional coordinate space meshes.
Our main goal is to identify common challenges and build communal resources to tackle them; from open physics questions to the technical advances needed to address them as well as practical developments of benefit to the community at large.
Two specific goals are to:
(i) establish and implement a common standard to achieve interoperability between existing tools and
(ii) cross-validate all tools in simple systems.
On a larger timescale, we hope to forge a small but responsive and integrated community to accelerate progress.
Open seminar: to be given jointly by W. Ryssens (ULB) and D. Regnier (CEA DAM).
The members of the working group are:
• W. Ryssens (ULB) "Solving the static mean-field equations in coordinate space"
• N. Shchechilin (ULB) "Simulating nuclear pasta in 3D".
• D. Regnier (CEA, DAM, DIF) "The dynamics of nuclear fission and giant resonances in coordinate space"
• P. Marevic (University of Zagreb) "The dynamics of nuclear fission and giant resonances in coordinate space"
• M. Bender (IP2I Lyon) "Beyond mean-field in coordinate space representation"
• D. P?cak (IF PAN Warsaw) "Neutron star crusts in coordinate space"
• G. Wlaz?owski (WUT Warsaw) "Dynamics of fermionic superfluids in coordinate space"
• A. Makowski (WUT Warsaw) "Time-dependent approach to nuclear fission"
We foresee two sessions of three days each: a first in May 2025 and a second in October 2025.
Both of these will be filled with (i) discussions between the small number of participants as well as (ii) time to collaborate on (joint) implementations and test cases.
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