Light nuclei between single-particle and clustering features
3-6 December 2024
PROGRAM ProgramESNTLightNucleiDec2024vfi.pdf
Light nuclei between single-particle and clustering features
Organizers: Gianluca Stellin (CEA ESNT, contact), Thomas Duguet (CEA DRF DPhN), Vittorio Somà (CEA DRF DPhN)
contact: see program; e-mail [at]
The workshop foresees the meeting between the ab-initio, the phenomenological microscopic and the macroscopic communities of nuclear theory, as well as the participation of experimentalists in the field of light nuclei.
Exchanges and discussions on the prediction of structure observables, with particular attention to cluster properties, are expected to take place.
On the whole, the goals of the workshop are:
• to define the current state of the field;
• to bridge results of phenomenological and macroscopic approaches with ones achievable by ab initio methods;
• to weigh the role of α-clustering and assessing perks and limits of macroscopic approaches;
• to provide a comprehensive understanding of the subject for all participants;
• to initiate possible new collaborations.
A. Structure properties and symmetries of light nuclei from macroscopic cluster approaches
• Roelof Bijker (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico) Discrete symmetries in the cluster shell model
• David G. Jenkins (University of York) Spectrum, clustering and Hoyle-state candidates in the 24Mg nucleus
• Masaaki Kimura (RIKEN Nishina Center) Structure of carbon isotopes
• Gianluca Stellin (CEA ESNT) Spectrum and electromagnetic properties in the macroscopic α-cluster model of 24Mg:
evidence of D4h symmetry
B. Clustering as a phase transition and nuclear shape evolution from microscopic viewpoints
• Jean-Paul Ebran (CEA DAM) Nuclear clustering within the Energy Density Functional approach
• Elias Khan (IJCLab) Clustering in nuclei at finite temperature
• Marek Ploszajczak (GANIL) Threshold states and clustering as the emerging phenomenon in open quantum system
C. Pairing correlations and halos from microscopic approaches
• Jaume Carbonell (IJCLab) Heavy Boron isotopes as multineutron halos
17B is an unstable weakly-bound nucleus (beta- decay). T1/2~ 5.07 ms.
• Live-Palm Kubushishi (Ohio University) Structure and reactions of 10,11Be and 15,19C nuclei through halo effective field theory
• Jagjit Singh (University of Manchester) Studying the Low-Z coast of the Island of Inversion: Exploring Two-Neutron Halos in N = 20 and N = 28 Isotones
• Pieter van Isacker (GANIL) Neutron-proton spin-spin correlations in the ground states of N=Z nuclei
D. Cluster correlations in light nuclei from ab-initio approaches
• Lukas Bovermann (Ruhr-Universität Bochum) Nuclear lattice EFT with wave function matching for light nuclei
• Bryce Fore (Argonne National Laboratory) Light nuclei with neural-network quantum states
• Timo Arvid Lähde (Forschungszentrum Jülich) Emergent geometry and duality in the carbon nucleus
• Anna E. McCoy (Argonne National Laboratory) Intruder band mixing in an ab initio description of 12Be
• Osama Yaghi (IJCLab) Resonances properties in light nuclei from structure methods: NCSM with complex-scaling
E. Experimental investigations on light nuclei
• Anna Corsi (CEA Saclay) Searching for dineutron correlations in Borromean halo nuclei
• Juan Lois-Fuentes (Michigan State University) Spectroscopy of neutron orbitals in 16C: A test for p-sd interactions
• Valérie Lapoux (CEA Saclay) Benchmark observables for nuclear models from direct reactions of the exotic 6,8He on proton
• Robin Smith (Sheffield Hallam University) The Hoyle Family: modern experiments to probe the cluster structure of 12C
• Irene Zanon (Stockholm Universitet) High-precision spectroscopy of 20O benchmarking ab-initio calculations in light nuclei
Schedule 3-6 December - room 135
Tuesday 3
Wednesday 4 |
Thursday 5 |
Friday 6 |
9h15 | Welcome | |||
9h30 |
R. Bijker | P. van Isacker | M. Kimura | L. Bovermann |
10h15 | Break | Break | Break | Break |
10h45 | A. Mc Coy | L.-P. Kubushishi | J.-P. Ebran | A. Corsi |
11h30 | V. Lapoux | J. Singh | D. Jenkins | E. Khan |
12h15 |
Lunch |
Lunch |
Lunch | Lunch |
14h | M. Ploszajczak | R. Smith | O. Yaghi | J. Carbonell |
14h45 | B. Fore | Break | I. Zanon | Conclusions |
15h30 Break |
15h15 T. A. Lahde |
15h30 Break |
16h | J. Lois-Fuentes | G. Stellin | ||
16h45 |
Discussions |
End |
End |
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