Automated tools for many-body theory
5-8 June 2023
PROGRAM ProgramESNTaToolsMBTvf5June2023.pdf
Automated tools for many-body theory
Organizers: P. Arthuis (TU Darmstadt, EMMI GSI), T. Duguet (CEA DPhN,
), F. A. Evangelista (Emory Univ., Atlanta, Georgia)
The main goals of the workshop are:
1. To introduce attendants to different approaches to computer-aided derivation techniques for many-body theory,
2. To exchange ideas regarding state-of-the-art automatic derivation methods between quantum chemists and nuclear physicists,
3. To discuss open problems in the field of automatic derivation, including the factorization of tensor contractions and identification of identical terms,
4. To identify ways to make current automatic derivation tools interoperable as a way to validate, benchmark, and expand the capabilities of current codes.
The first session (morning) is devoted to introductory presentations to inform the local research community on the state-of-the-art approaches developed to tackle the many-body problem.
The following sessions are focused on specific uses of automated derivation methods.
Introductory Lecture
Francesco Evangelista (Emory University) (chemistry) An Introduction to the History of Computer-Aided Methods in Quantum Chemistry
Talks [Chemistry: Ch. ; Condensed Matter CM ; Nuclear Physics : NP ]
• Pierre Arthuis (TU Darmstadt) (NP) Automated generation and evaluation of diagrams at play in various many-body methods
• Guo Chen (Rice University) (Ch) Symbolic solution for computational quantum many-body theory development
• Kris van Houcke (Ecole Normale Supérieure) (CM) Bold diagrammatic Monte Carlo
• Andreas Köhn (University of Stuttgart) (Ch) Towards an efficient implementation of internally contracted coupled-cluster methods
• Alexander Tichai (TU Darmstadt) (NP) Symmetry reduction of tensor networks in many-body theory
• Mihály Kállay (Budapest Univ. of Technology and Economics) (Ch) String-based methods for state-selective multi reference coupled cluster
• Anastasios Papadopoulos (Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung) (Ch) Automatic generation of computer codes for correlated wavefunction calculations
• Martijn Reitsma and Yuli Chamorro Mena (University of Groningen) (Atomic phys.) Relativistic coupled cluster calculations for atomic spectra
TalkMReitsma_ESNT7june2023.pdf TalkYChamorro_ESNT7june2023.pdf
• Nicholas Rubin (Google) (Quantum Computing) A quantum computing perspective on many-body methods
• Christian Drischler (Ohio University) (NP) Automated code generation for Many-Body Perturbation Theory diagrams
• Michael Hanrath (Cologne University) (Ch) Generation of arbitrary order open-shell coupled cluster
• Francesco Evangelista (Emory Univ.) (Ch) Automatic derivation of fermionic many-body theories based on general Fermi vacua
• Matthias Heinz (TU Darmstadt) (NP) Diagrammatic resummations for the in-medium similarity renormalisation group method
• Eduard Valeev (Virginia Tech) (Ch) Symbolic algebra manipulations for quantum many-body physics
GROUP PHOTOGRAPH (click to enlarge)
Monday 5 June |
Tuesday 6 June |
Wed. 7 June |
Thursday 8 June |
9h15 | Welcome | ||||
9h30 |
F. Evangelista |
9h30 | A. Köhn | N. Rubin | F. Evangelista |
10h45 | Break | 10h30 | Break | Break | Break |
11h15 |
P. Arthuis |
11h | A. Tichai |
M. Reitsma/ Y. Chamorro Mena |
M. Heinz |
12h30 |
Lunch |
12h |
Lunch |
Lunch | Lunch |
14h | G. Chen | 13h30 | M. Kállay | C. Drischler | E. Valeev |
15h | Break | 14h30 | Break | Break | Break |
15h30 | K. van Houcke | 15h |
A. Papadopoulos |
M. Hanrath | End |
16h30 | End | 16h |
Discussions |
Discussions | |
17h |
End |
End |
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