Electron-radioactive ion collisions: theoretical and experimental challenges
25-27 April 2016
PROGRAM (version 20th April) ProgramESNTelectronIonAvr16vf.pdf
SUMMARY PROGRAM SummaryESNTelectronIonAvr16vf.pdf
Organizers: A. Corsi (SPhN), V. Somà (SPhN, ), T. Suda (Tohoku Univ.) and K. Tsukada (Tohoku Univ.)
The goals of the project are:
1. To review the past achievements with electron scattering on stable nuclei
2. To discuss observables, and state-of-the-art theoretical methods to estimate them
3. To stimulate reflections on new observables that can be measured using electrons as a probe
4. To present the SCRIT machine and its recent results, and the ELISe project
5. To discuss challenges for the ETIC project.
Exposés -TALKS
Liste of the workshop participants: ParticipantList_ESNT2016_ElectronsIons.pdf
- Densities from electron scattering: past achievements and challenges with unstable nuclei,
I. Sick (Basel Univ.) Sick_Esnt16.pdf
- Study of ground-state correlations via (e,e0p) and (e,e02N) reactions,
J. Ryckebusch (Ghent Univ.) Ryckebusch_electronEsnt16.pdf
- NN correlations in exclusive (e,e’p) and (e,e’NN) reactions,
C. Giusti (Pavia Univ.) Giusti_electronEsnt16.pdf
- The SCRIT facility at RIKEN,
M. Wakasugi (RIKEN) Wakasugi_electronEsnt16.pdf
- Physics program with SCRIT,
K. Tsukada (Tohoku Univ.) Tsukada_electronEsnt16.pdf
- Proton and neutron distributions from combined (e,e) and (p,p) experiments,
S. Karataglidis (Johannesburg) Karataglidis_electronEsnt16.pdf
- Highlights from electron scattering experiments at the Accélérateur Linéaire de Saclay (ALS),
S. Platchkov (CEA, IRFU, SPhN) PlatchkovALS_electronEsnt16.pdf
- Energy density functional studies of elastic and inelastic scattering off nuclei,
M. Bender (IPN Lyon) Bender_MREDFelectronEsnt16.pdf
- QRPA description of collective excitations in nuclei,
S. Péru (CEA, DAM, DIF) Peru_electronEsnt2016.pdf
- The XFEL project,
O. Napoly (CEA, IRFU, SACM) Napoly_electronEsnt16.pdf
- Energy Recovery LINAC and high intensity sources,
A. Mosnier (CEA, IRFU, SACM) AMosnier_ERLelectronEsnt16.pdf
- Spectroscopic factors from knockout and transfer reactions,
(F. Flavigny, IPN Orsay) Flavigny_electronEsnt16.pdf
- The ELISe project at FAIR,
(H. Simon, GSI FAIR) HaikSimon_eRIB_Esnt16.pdf
- Studying nuclear correlations with electron scattering: opportunities in exotic nuclei,
C. Barbieri (Surrey Univ.) Barbieri_electronEsnt16.pdf
- Electron scattering off nuclei with neutron and proton excess,
M. Vorabbi (Pavia Univ.) Vorabbi_electronEsnt16.pdf
- Future perspectives of the SCRIT facility,
T. Suda (Tohoku Univ.) Suda_electronESNT16.pdf
- The ETIC project,
A. Chancé (CEA, IRFU, SACM) Chance_electronEsnt16.pdf
Monday25th |
Tuesday 26th |
Wednesday 27th
9h30 | I. Sick | S. Platchkov | H. Simon |
10h15 | break | break | break |
10h45 | J. Ryckebusch | M. Bender | C. Barbieri |
11h30 | C. Giusti | S. Péru | M. Vorabbi |
12h15 | lunch | lunch | lunch |
14h | M. Wakasugi | O. Napoly | T. Suda |
14h45 | K. Tsukada | A. Mosnier | A. Chancé |
15h30 | break | break | break |
16h00 | S. Karataglidis | F. Flavigny | Discussions |
16h45 |
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