Electron-radioactive ion collisions: theoretical and experimental challenges

25-27 April 2016                                                                                   

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PROGRAM (version 20th April)   ProgramESNTelectronIonAvr16vf.pdf

SUMMARY PROGRAM SummaryESNTelectronIonAvr16vf.pdf


Organizers:  A. Corsi (SPhN), V. Somà (SPhN, ), T. Suda (Tohoku Univ.) and K. Tsukada (Tohoku Univ.)


The goals of the project are:
1. To review the past achievements with electron scattering on stable nuclei
2. To discuss observables, and state-of-the-art theoretical methods to estimate them
3. To stimulate reflections on new observables that can be measured using electrons as a probe
4. To present the SCRIT machine and its recent results, and the ELISe project
5. To discuss challenges for the ETIC project.


Exposés -TALKS


Liste of the workshop participants: ParticipantList_ESNT2016_ElectronsIons.pdf


- Densities from electron scattering: past achievements and challenges with unstable nuclei,

   I. Sick (Basel Univ.)   Sick_Esnt16.pdf
- Study of ground-state correlations via (e,e0p) and (e,e02N) reactions,

   J. Ryckebusch (Ghent Univ.)   Ryckebusch_electronEsnt16.pdf

- NN correlations in exclusive (e,e’p) and (e,e’NN) reactions,

  C. Giusti (Pavia Univ.)   Giusti_electronEsnt16.pdf
- The SCRIT facility at RIKEN,

  M. Wakasugi  (RIKEN)   Wakasugi_electronEsnt16.pdf

- Physics program with SCRIT,

  K. Tsukada (Tohoku Univ.)   Tsukada_electronEsnt16.pdf
- Proton and neutron distributions from combined (e,e) and (p,p) experiments,

  S. Karataglidis (Johannesburg)   Karataglidis_electronEsnt16.pdf
- Highlights from electron scattering experiments at the Accélérateur Linéaire de Saclay (ALS),

  S. Platchkov (CEA, IRFU, SPhN)   PlatchkovALS_electronEsnt16.pdf
- Energy density functional studies of elastic and inelastic scattering off nuclei,

  M. Bender (IPN Lyon)   Bender_MREDFelectronEsnt16.pdf

- QRPA description of collective excitations in nuclei,

  S. Péru (CEA, DAM, DIF)  Peru_electronEsnt2016.pdf

The XFEL project,

  O. Napoly (CEA, IRFU, SACM)   Napoly_electronEsnt16.pdf

- Energy Recovery LINAC and high intensity sources,

  A. Mosnier (CEA, IRFU, SACM)   AMosnier_ERLelectronEsnt16.pdf
- Spectroscopic factors from knockout and transfer reactions,

  (F. Flavigny, IPN Orsay)   Flavigny_electronEsnt16.pdf
- The ELISe project at FAIR,

  (H. Simon, GSI FAIR)   HaikSimon_eRIB_Esnt16.pdf
- Studying nuclear correlations with electron scattering: opportunities in exotic nuclei,

  C. Barbieri (Surrey Univ.) Barbieri_electronEsnt16.pdf

- Electron scattering off nuclei with neutron and proton excess,

  M. Vorabbi (Pavia Univ.)   Vorabbi_electronEsnt16.pdf

- Future perspectives of the SCRIT facility,

  T. Suda (Tohoku Univ.)   Suda_electronESNT16.pdf

The ETIC project,

   A. Chancé (CEA, IRFU, SACM)   Chance_electronEsnt16.pdf






Tuesday 26th


Wednesday 27th


9h30 I. Sick S. Platchkov H. Simon
10h15 break break break
10h45 J. Ryckebusch M. Bender C. Barbieri
11h30 C. Giusti S. Péru M. Vorabbi 
12h15 lunch lunch lunch
14h M. Wakasugi O. Napoly T. Suda
14h45 K. Tsukada A. Mosnier A. Chancé 
15h30 break break break
16h00 S. Karataglidis F. Flavigny Discussions


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