Production and study of neutron-rich hypernuclei - Physics and potentialities at FAIR/R3B

19-21 January 2016                                                                                             Back to the ESNT page


PROGRAM    ProgESNT_Hypernuclei_Jan16.pdf


Organizers:  T. Aumann (TU Darmstadt) J.-C. David (CEA-Saclay, SPhN), A. Obertelli (CEA-Saclay, SPhN, contact) and T. Saito (GSI).


This workshop will consist in a 2-day discussion about Hyper(Exotic)nuclei, their production and spectroscopy. An additional day for further detailed discussions is foreseen for some of the participants.


The goals of the project are:

1. to review the latest achievements in the spectroscopy of hypernuclei,
2. to discuss our understanding on strangeness production from both the elementary process and the hypernuclei production from nuclear collisions,
3. to examine which probes and experimental techniques are the most promising to obtain clearest observables regarding nuclear shell structure and quantum many-body problems,
4. to discuss future possibilities at FAIR/R3B and their competitiveness compared to other existing or future projects.


Exposés -TALKS




Room 135 19th January Wed. 20th Thu. 21st
08h45 Welcome    
9h00-10h30 H. Tamura J. Pochodzalla T. Saito
10h30-11h  Break  Break   Break


E. Botta A. Botvina T. Aumann
12h30  Lunch  Lunch  Lunch
14h00-15h30 F. Garibaldi N. Buyukcizmeci Discussions
15h30-16h00 Break Break End
16h-17h30 Discussions I. Vidana  
17h30 End End  




— H. Tamura : Present status and future prospects of hypernuclear physics at J-PARC,     ESNTJan16_Tamura.pdf

— E. Botta : Hypernuclear physics studies with FINUDA,         ESNTJan16_Botta.pdf

— F. Garibaldi : High resolution hypernuclei studies at Jefferson lab,     ESNTJan16_Garibaldi.pdf

— J. Pochodzalla : Hypernuclei studies at MAMI and PANDA,   ESNTJan16_Pochodzalla.pdf
— A. Botvina : Formation of hypernuclei in relativistic ion collisions,    ESNTJan16_Botvina.pdf
— N. Buyukcizmeci : Mechanisms of production of hypernuclei in nuclear reactions, ESNTJan16_Buyukcizmeci.pdf
— I. Vidana : Hyperons, hypernuclei and neutron stars,     ESNTJan16_Vidana.pdf
— T. Saito : Neutron-rich hypernuclei and the HyPHI project at GSI and FAIR,
— T. Aumann : The R3B setup and physics program.



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