Presentation of ESNT

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L’Espace de Structure et de réactions Nucléaires Théorique - the Espace of Structure and Nuclear reaction Theory is a virtual laboratory created to favour the scientific interactions between the various laboratories of Nuclear Physics of CEA. It was established and is supported both by DRF and DAM. The ESNT site is localized in the DPhN laboratory of CEA-Saclay at the site of "Orme les Merisiers" (The Elm of the Cherry Trees).

The theoretical works done within this structure are strongly coupled to the experimental activities.

The ESNT is opened to any physicist working in an international laboratory related to Nuclear Physics, whether one would like to have exchanges within ESNT workshops or propose a project within this framework.


Fundings are allocated  to organize various projects proposed by the physicists:

- meetings or workshops, lectures, tutorials;

- short or medium-term visits of physicists (with an overall time covering approximately 6 months).

List of past and present workshops, list of the post-doc and visitors welcomed within ESNT: see the main page


Any physicist, theorist or experimentalist, is welcome to submit a project on a subject dealing with theory in nuclear structure or reactions.


A scientific council is held once per year to examine the past year activity and to select the new projects.

A ESNT steering committee (click to see contact addresses) of 2 physicists (1 DRF-DPhN and 1 of DAM-SPN) is the coordinator for all the ESNT activities. Every project whatever the form, can be sent to the steering committee. It will be evaluated by the scientific Council of the ESNT, the main criteria being the scientific relevance as well as the issues and work perspectives for the whole community working in the nuclear structure and reaction fields.


 Typical (but not limitative) possible formats of the projects are:

  • Workshops with several days of talks, discussions;  
  • Informal talks and meetings for specific topics of works, calculations, during few days or weeks;
  • Lectures, Tutorials

Note that the talks are always given during open sessions and announced widely to the community. Tutorials are usually provided to a small list of registered participants.


See Guidelines for the project proposal


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#29 - Mise à jour : 27/06/2019
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