6-8 février 2013 Nuclear pair correlation probed via proton-induced transfer and knock-out reactions
Program and presentation of the workshop, Présentation et programme de l'atelier
program (updated, 6th Feb): PROGRAMesnt6Feb13.pdf
Exposés- Talks
F. Barranco, Univ. de Sevilla, Interplay of collective and single particle modes in the structure of exotic nuclei,
A. Corsi, CEA, IRFU, SPhN, Experimental studies of shell effects via (p,2p) and (p,pn) reactions,
T. Duguet, CEA, IRFU, SPhN, How shall we talk about the single-nucleon shell structure?,
M. Dupuis, CEA, DAM, DIF, Microscopic models for nucleon inelastic scattering,
F. Flavigny, IKS Leuven and SPhN, Probing correlations via "direct" reactions,
M. Grasso, IPN-Orsay, Low-energy excitations and pair transfer of exotic nuclei,
N. Keeley, Nat. Centre for Nuclear Research, Warsaw,
(p,t) transfer reactions studied in Coupled reaction channel framework,
D. Lacroix, GANIL, Effect of collective and non-collective pairing excitations in transfer reactions,
V. Lapoux, CEA, IRFU, SPhN, Nuclear structure of 6,7,8He from transfer reactions on proton target,
J. Le Bloas, CEA, DAM, DIF,
Description of light nuclei (10 =< N,Z <= 18) with the mp-mh Gogny energy density functional,
A. Moro, Univ. de Sevilla, Core excitation in transfer and break-up reactions,
T. Noro, Kyushu University, Single particle properties and in-medium NN-interaction properties investigated via (p,2p) reactions,
K. Ogata, RCNP Osaka,
Talk-1: CDCC methods, Talk1OgataESNT7thFeb13.pdf
Talk-2: Status of breakup reaction theory, Talk2OgataESNT8thFeb13.pdf
S. Péru, CEA, DAM, DIF, Excitations and QRPA calculations with the Gogny force,
N. Pillet, CEA, DAM, DIF, Nuclear pair correlations from multiparticle-multihole configuration mxing,
G. Potel, CEA, IRFU, SPhN,
Talk-1: Probing pairing correlations with two-neutron transfer,
Talk-2: Nuclear structure via proton-induced knock-out - development of a multi-step finite-range DWIA code,
A. Signoracci, CEA, IRFU, SPhN, Correlations and spectroscopic factors,
E. Vigezzi, INFN-Milano, Induced interaction and pairing in nuclei,